Wednesday April 18th 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The east side of neighborhood (between park and Centrepointe) will be canvassed
Briargreen's 19th Nepean Cubs and Scouts will be doing their spring door-to-door bottle drive over two upcoming dates:
Donations either of cash or of empty refundable bottles and cans are accepted. This is a fundraiser for 19th Nepean, and the revenue from refunds are fully and directly used for essential program expenses (like meeting and storage facilities, equipment purchase and repair, activity materials, training and education, subsidizing field trip and outing fees, and so on).
If you wish to make a donation but will not be home when Scouts canvass your section of the neighborhood, you may leave your donation on your porch for pickup. If you want to be rid of your empties beforehand, call Scouter Charles at (613) 596-0382 to arrange an earlier pickup.
Thanks again for your generous support!