A blue children’s MEC mitten was found at the corner of Crofton and Higgins.
Please contact Helena Manera at 613-828-3893.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
LED house numbers, which illuminate at night time.
We all know how important it is to be found quickly, especially in an emergency, by police, firemen and ambulance staff. Yet, in suburban areas of Ottawa, house numbers are frequently almost impossible to find/read, especially when it is dark, and the neighbourhood is unfamiliar.
This problem has now been solved. Head to a store such as Canadian Tire or Preston Hardware and purchase the latest in LED numbers. For a cost of approximately $20 per digit, plus another $20 for the required power supply (do remember to purchase this, too!), residents can install their house numbers. By day they are simply black but at nighttime, they change to very clear, red illuminated LEDs. Simply plug the power supply into a nearby outlet. If the lead on the power supply, which is quite long, still happens not to be long enough, simply extend the wire, using a wire nut, and regular doorbell wire. It is worth it; to know that never again, will a newcomer, or emergency service, struggle to find your house.
If you wish to see what the lights look like check out 21 Crofton Road. Look above the garage door: smart black, clearly legible numbers by day, but red, illuminated, fabulously clear lights by night!