Monday, May 22, 2017

Membership Drive Update

We have 540 homes within Briargreen.  A week ago we delivered membership forms to each home within Briargreen asking if they would like to contribute to our membership drive to enable us to sponsor many family-oriented activities throughout the year as well as writing several issues of the Briarvine annually and producing the Briargreen Directory bi-annually.

As of May 22nd, 112 forms have been returned.  The Briargreen Community Association (BCA) would like to thank those that have already returned their forms/money and ask those that have not, please do so.

Many people have offered to volunteer at our various activities - this is lovely to see that those within our community are willing to offer their time and expertise to make our neighbourhood a great place to live.  The BCA is always looking for more people to join the executive or to volunteer at individual events.  If you did not volunteer on the form, please note you can sign up "anytime".  Just send a quick email to

All suggestions have been read and I will post a summary of them nearer the end of the drive. Stay tuned.

Thanks as well to those residents that put a "little extra" in their envelopes.  It has been acknowledged and is much appreciated.

What a wonderful community we live in.